In order for you, our dear customers, to better understand our capabilities and methods of applying a logo on wooden products, we have prepared an article where we will tell you in detail about what interests you so much).
In our production we use several methods of applying a logo on wood products. The choice of method depends on your tasks and the complexity of the logo.
We apply logos using laser and milling engraving, and also use the printing method (monochrome or full color) and, in special cases, produce overhead plates with your logo (metal, wood, composite, etc.)
How are all these options different?
Engraving with a router allows you to make your logo faster and a little cheaper This type of engraving works well for large logos that do not have small and subtle details.
Laser engraving differs from engraving with a router in the precision of application and the refinement of lines. Laser engraving is suitable for thin and graceful logos, for logos with a lot of small details.
* When choosing these methods, you have the option of filling the logo with color!
Printing a logo is more expensive than laser and milling engraving. From the pros - printing allows you to immediately make a color image without restrictions on colors and shades. The principle is the same as for conventional paper printing.
One of the most interesting ways to highlight your logo on a product is by making overhead plates that are attached directly to a wooden product. Such a product looks expensive and very presentable.